NWA 15061 meteorite. Primitive achondrite

NWA 15061 meteorite. Primitive achondrite


161,7 grams


Mali, 2022


1 in stock

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NWA 15061 was found in 2022 near Taoudenni, Mali. It has been analyzed and confirmed to be a first a Winonaite and then it was reclassified as a Primitive Achondrite.

As a primitive achondrite, its chemical composition is similar to the composition of chondrites, but its texture is igneous, indicative of melting processes. There are 4 groups of primitive achondrites: winonaites, brachinites, the acapulcoite-lodranite family and ureilites. This meteorite does not belong to any of those groups, making it even more unique.

Further analysis proved that NWA 15061 is paired to Bir Ounane 001.



Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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