Jilin meteorite. Rare shatter cone structure

Jilin meteorite. Rare shatter cone structure




China, 8 March 1976


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At about 15:00 local time on 8 March 1976 a red fireball moving SW was sighted by townspeople of Hsinglung, China. During the fireball’s flight over a distance of 300 – 400 km, the incandescent fireball was being observed overhead by thousands of people. There were several explosions and in the last stages of flight three distinct fireballs were observed. The meteorite fragments were scattered along an E-W trending strewnfield extending from 126°10’E. to 127° 10’E. Masses were recovered in the Kirin Province, the main mass being located at 44°03’N., 126°10’E. Until today, the main mass of the Jilin meteorite is the largest stone meteorite on earth with 1170 kg. Jilin is classified as an H5 chondrite.

In this lot a complete specimen is offered. It lacks fusion crust and exhibits shatter cones, a rare feature in meteorites that is created only with extremely high pressures, in the range of 2–30 gigapascals – that is a shock wave of to kilos per square meter. Shatter cones have a characteristic conical shape that radiates from the top. They form an easily recognizable pattern with tens of thin grooves around the cone.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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