NWA 1465 meteorite. CV3 anomalous

NWA 1465 meteorite. CV3 anomalous


0,322 grams


Western Sahara, 2001


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NWA 1465 is classified as an anomalous carbonaceous chondrite meteorite (CV3-an). It was found in 2001 in Western Sahara. Many pieces with a total weight of 3kg were recovered.

NWA 1465 contains cm-sized CAIs and large inclusions of dark material (Greshake et al., 2003); oxygen isotope composition of the bulk meteorite (R. Clayton and T. Mayeda, UChi): δ18O =  4.89‰, δ17O = 0.71‰; oxygen isotope composition of dark material,  δ18O = 13.08‰, δ17O = 5.83‰. Dark inclusions are not in equilibrium with the host meteorite.

In this lot a slice is offered. The weight-surface ratio is excellent as the slice is very thin.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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