Aguas Zarcas meteorite. CM2 type, amino acids and water content

Aguas Zarcas meteorite. CM2 type, amino acids and water content


30,82 grams

Observed fall

Costa Rica, 23 April 2019


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The Aguas Zarcas Meteorite fell on 23 April 2019 in Costa Rica. It was observed by the neighbors and recorded by several cameras. It fell in a rainforest area so the recovery of the meteorites has been difficult.

It is a carbonaceous chondrite type CM2, similar to the Murchison meteorite. In Murchison, through extensive research during years, scientists have found a water content of 12%, alcohols, hydrocarbons and dozens of amino-acids. CM2 meteorites seem to have established the basis for the origin of life on Earth. Aguas Zarcas is being extensively studied and scientists have already found a high water content and different amino-acids.

For sale a big and beautiful specimen.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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