Pallasovka meteorite. Best etymology

Pallasovka meteorite. Best etymology


Russia, 1990


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In 1990 a meteorite of 198 kilograms was found near the town of Pallasovka by a local resident on a dike on the edge of an artificial water reservoir. The pond and dike were built in 1978 using explosives so the mass has probably been lifted to the surface from a depth of about 2 meters. In fall 2004, a small sample was transferred it to the Vernadsky Institute (Moscow) and then proved its meteoritic origin.

Etymology: the town of Pallasovka was named after Peter Pallas, a famous naturalist who took part in the discovery and the study of the first pallasite (Krasnojarsk). Coincidentally, a pallasite meteorite was found in Pallasovka, a town named after the discoverer of pallasites.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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