Muonionalusta meteorite. Block

Muonionalusta meteorite. Block


128 grams


1906, Sweden


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All meteorites are supposed to be older than the oldest terrestrial rock. But Muonionalusta is thought to be the meteorite that has been the longest on Earth. Its estimated time of arrival is 1 million years. It fell in Northern Sweden, near the current border with Finland. It was discovered in 1906 when workers were moving earth for the construction of a road. After that the meteorite was forgotten for decades until a new road was constructed a new meteorites appeared. A worker took a weird-looking rock to a mineral exhibition and one person identified it as a meteorite again. The typical Muonionalusta meteorite has rounded shapes caused by the several glaciar movements that have transported them for kilometers. It is classified as an IVA iron meteorite.

This piece is very aesthetic and shows the classic Widmanstatten pattern, the form of crystallization of iron in space when cooling down 1 Celsius degree per million years. The pattern is very fine and reflects light in different directions, as seen in the pictures.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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