Gebel Kamil meteorite. Mirror polished slice

Gebel Kamil meteorite. Mirror polished slice


35 grams


5000 years ago


Egypt, 2008


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In 2008 a team of Egyptian and Italian scientists was studying the Egyptian desert aiming for archeological ruins with google Earth. Then they found a spectacular crater and next year an expedition was organized to reach it. They recovered some iron meteorites.

It is estimated that the impact occurred 5000 years ago. Apparently the falling rock exploded at low altitude, forming a crater 45 meters in diameter and leaving many intricate meteorites scattered around it. Surprisingly, there were meteorites within the crater too.

The Gebel Kamil meteorite is classified as an ungrouped iron, ataxite. Coordinates of the crater are 22°01’06″N 26°05’16″E. This meteorite was the first ever to be recovered thanks to satellite imagery.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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