Bendegó meteorite. From burnt museum’s mass in Brazil

Bendegó meteorite. From burnt museum’s mass in Brazil


23,2 grams


Brazil, 1784


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The Bendegó meteorite was discovered back in 1784 in Brazil. It is the biggest meteorite ever found in Brazil with over 5000kgs of weight. It has been in the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro since 1888. It gained international attention when in 2018 after a fire that destroyed the museum, the meteorite seemed to remain intact among the ashes. Bendegó is classified under the rare group IC.

This fragment comes from the crust of the main mass that now rests in the museum. It is oxidized (shale) and stable. It was picked up within the crater of the main mass using metal detectors years after the main mass was moved.

Iron meteorites come from the core of dead asteroids. In them the heavy elements sunk to the center due to gravity. The asteroids were then destroyed by impacts with other bodies, releasing the iron core to space. Iron meteorites are alloys of iron and nickel mainly although they contain other trace elements.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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