Rizalite – Indochinite. Meteorite impact glass

Rizalite – Indochinite. Meteorite impact glass


64,6 grams


Philippines, 788.000 years ago


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Indochinites were ejected into the Earth’s upper atmosphere by a huge meteorite impact 788.000 years ago in the Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam). The steam jets cooled down in the higher atmosphere and condensed to form this type of glass. The pieces rained down hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from the impact, in direction South-East, reaching Philippines and even Australia.

Indochinites have diverse shapes and a characteristic black color. Their name and shape can vary depending on the locality where they have been found. This specimen is specifically a Rizalite. Rizalites are found near Rizal, in Philippines and have characteristic cleavages throughout.

Certificate of authenticity included. IMCA 5591.

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