The Murchison Meteorite fell on 28 September 1969 in Australia. It was observed by the neighbors that saw the fireball and heard the shock wave. It is considered to be the most studied meteorite in history together with the Allende meteorite. It is a carbonaceous chondrite type CM2. In it, scientists have found a water content of 12%, alcohols, hydrocarbons and dozens of amino-acids, which seems to be the type of meteorite that established the basis for the origin of life on Earth. Individual grains of pre solar dust have also been found. They floated in our galaxy for billions of years and became part of the solar nebula, where the asteroids formed. Also trace elements have been studied. Some of them have shown different isotopic compositions to the ones that of our Solar System could have done. It has been suggested that hundreds or thousands of stars could have contributed to the specific composition of Murchison, being those minerals 2 billion years older than the Sun, which makes them between and years old. That is roughly, half of the time since time exist (Big Bang). Most specimens are now in museums or in private collections.